Women of the Bible 2021

Women of the Bible takes place on Monday nights from 7-8:30 PM starting October 4th. Join us for this six (6) session study where our presenters will take you on a journey through drama and performing arts to discover who Jesus is by looking at the lives of Mary, Martha, Mary Magdalene and many others. We will learn together from their faith and failures and be reminded that Jesus cared for and valued the women He was surrounded by.

Registration is FREE at https://bit.ly/WOB2021-Registration. Pre-Register BEFORE September 20th and be registered to win a special prize!

*NOTE:  Due to this year of continued challenges and transition, we will NOT be providing childcare for 2021. Thank you for your continued support and understanding.

If you have any questions about Women of the Bible 2021, email info@aglowmuskegon.org.

[ Week 1 | Week 2 | Week 3 | Week 4 | Week 5 | Week 6 ]

Week 1 – October 4th – Jesus Equips the Ordinary

Join us on week one as we learn about Mary, the Mother of Jesus. Because of her willing heart, Mary, an ordinary girl, became the extraordinary mother of the Messiah. Click here for Week One Bible Study Questions.

Week 2 – October 11th – Jesus Enables the Faithful

Much has been said about these sisters. Mary desired nothing more than to sit at Jesus’ feet, while Martha was concerned about the practical concerns of daily life. When their brother, Lazarus, was sick and near death, they sent for Jesus. They had to wait...and trust. Click here for Week Two Bible Study Questions.

Week 3 – October 18th – Jesus Heals the Wounded

Throughout His three years of public ministry, Jesus performed many miracles. The story of the Woman with the Spirit of Infirmity reminds us that He was in the healing business - and still is today! Click here for Week Three Bible Study Questions.

Week 4 – October 25th – Jesus Sees the Marginalized

The biblical account of Jesus and the woman at the well contains the longest conversation that Jesus had with anyone. The story reminds us that Jesus didn’t care about cultural boundaries or traditional rabbinical rules. Jesus sees and values us all. Click here for Week Four Bible Study Questions.

Week 5 – November 1st – Jesus Gives Hope

Long widowed, Anna was faithful - clinging to the hope that she would see the Messiah. She fasted and prayed in the temple during the dark times of the intertestamental period when God did not speak to the Jewish people, and when the coming of the Messiah seemed hopeless. Click here for Week Five Bible Study Questions.

Week 6 – November 8th – Jesus Empowers

In a culture that rejected women as witnesses, Mary Magdalene was written about in all four Gospels as the first to help share the good news. She came from a troubled background, yet Jesus healed her and welcomed her into his band of followers. Click here for Week Six Bible Study Questions.

“And my God will supply every need of yours according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus.”

Philippians 4:19

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