We are excited to announce Miracles of the Bible for 2022. This event takes place on Monday nights from 7:00PM-8:30 PM starting September 26. Join us for this five (5) session study where our presenters will take you on a journey through drama and performing arts to discover many miracles of the Bible.
Registration is FREE at https://bit.ly/WOB2022-Registration. Pre-Register BEFORE September 1st and be registered to win a special prize!
*NOTE: We will be providing childcare for 2022. Make sure to complete the registration form if you require assistance so we can plan accordingly.
If you have any questions about Women of the Bible 2022, email info@aglowmuskegon.org.
[ Week 1 | Week 2 | Week 3 | Week 4 | Week 5 ]
Week 1 – September 26th - Donkey Talk
Read: Numbers 22-24; Numbers 25:2; Numbers 31: 8-18; Revelation 2: 12-17

When an evil king hires a wise sorcerer to speak curses over God’s chosen people, there are bound to be miraculous occurrences. On his journey of folly, Baalam is bested in wisdom by a talking donkey – proving that God can use anything to get our attention. His purposes will be fulfilled.
Week 2 – October 3rd - Jesus Feeds the Multitudes
Read Luke 9:1-6; Luke 9:10-17; John 6:1-13; Mark 6:23-44; Matthew 14:13-21

Who would have thought that 5 small barley loaves and two fish could be used to feed 5000 men plus women and children? When we offer up to Jesus all that we have, no matter how meager, the results are miraculous! Come see this favorite Bible account told through the eyes of the lad who gave his lunch and saw the multitudes get fed!
Week 3 – October 10th - Water into Wine
Read John 2:1-11; Jeremiah 7:23; John 14:15, 21, 23, 31

When the panicked hosts were at a loss at the wedding in Cana, because there was no more wine, Mary calmly and confidently turned to Jesus. She stressed to the hosts, “Do whatever he tells you to do.” In this depiction of Jesus’ first miracle, we learn the power of obedience.
Week 4 – October 17th - Jarius' Daughter
Read Mark 5:21-43

Although it’s in just a small section of Mark’s Gospel, Jairus’s daughter in the Bible is a powerful story that fills us with hope for our everyday lives. God can still step in and work a miracle when we think all has been lost. He’s the God with a plan for your life – even when you can’t see past the pain you are going through. Death is but a word to our God. Nothing can separate us from Him.
Week 5 – October 24th - The Power of the Upper Room
Read Acts 1:1-14; Acts 2

What did the disciples of Jesus expect when they were told to wait for the Promise that would come with power? Waiting wasn’t easy, but miraculous power was found in the upper room!
“What is impossible with man, is possible with God.“
Luke 8:27
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